View Full Version : Lynchings in Santiago

08-31-2012, 02:10 PM
Local residents in Guayacanal, in Santiago lynched two men, Ruben Almonte and Richard De Jesus Perez Capellan, and killed them after they robbed a house belonging to Norberto Filpo and stole three cell phones and RD$10,000.

Members of the community are reported to have chased them, beat them and then shot them dead. The police has arrested one of two other suspected gang members, Oscar Manuel Luciano (El Surenito).

The police confirmed that one of the dead men had a wallet belonging to Filpo in his pocket and that the victims had committed a series of crimes in the community of Guayacanal.

No one from the community has been arrested in connection with the killings. A police source said that no one claimed any knowledge when asked who was responsible.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/8/30/245470/Pobladores-de-una-comunidad-de-Santiago-linchan-a-2-de-6-supuestos (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/8/30/245470/Pobladores-de-una-comunidad-de-Santiago-linchan-a-2-de-6-supuestos)

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