View Full Version : UASD goes off line

09-06-2012, 01:40 PM
The rector of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), Mateo Aquino Febrillet, has announced that all computer services at the university, including the intranet and internet, will be unavailable for twelve days, from 14 to 25 September in order to be updated and maintained.

According to a press release, he said that security levels would be increased and subject selection would become more user-friendly. In addition, the system at UASD would be connected to the Ministry of Education, and a wider range of services will be offered online, including credit card payment.

www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/09/05/plataforma-tecnologica-uasd-estara-fuera-por-doce-dias (http://www.elcaribe.com.do/2012/09/05/plataforma-tecnologica-uasd-estara-fuera-por-doce-dias)

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