View Full Version : Prosecutors suspended

09-06-2012, 01:40 PM
Yesterday, Wednesday 5 September, the National Council of the Attorney General's office, headed by the Attorney General himself, Francisco Dominguez Brito, suspended twelve prosecutors in the provinces of Santo Domingo, Santiago, La Vega and Monsenor Nouel, accused of serious misdemeanors in the line of duty.

Those suspended pending investigation are Maximo Suarez Frias, Leonidas Suarez, Miguel Morfe Henriquez, Ivelisse Casado and Juan Rosa, all from Santo Domingo province. From La Vega those involved are Carmen Elizabeth Jimenez, Fernando Arturo Martinez Ramos, Ana Cristina Rodriguez, Maximo Peralta and Leiny Rosario Solis.

Pedro Celestino Santana Tavarez from Santiago and Miguel Alejandro Sharp Jimenez from Monsenor Nouel were also suspended.

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/09/05/i350794_dan-conocer-nombres-fiscales-suspendidos-por-faltas-graves.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/09/05/i350794_dan-conocer-nombres-fiscales-suspendidos-por-faltas-graves.html)

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