View Full Version : Medina shuts down three agencies

09-10-2012, 04:00 PM
The Executive Branch has closed down three government agencies by decree 545-12. These are the National Council for State Reform (Conare), the Commission of Support for the Reform and Modernization of the Justice System (Carmj) and the National Commission for the Execution of the Penal Process Reform (Conaej). The decree says that the Presidency and Public Administration ministries will take over these entities' roles. Their personnel will be relocated by the Ministry of the Presidency in coordination with the Ministry or Public Administration "if appropriate". Their assets will go to the Ministry of the Hacienda and the Ministry of the Presidency.

The Medina administration has been taking a series of measures to reduce the size of government. The three entities had a budget of RD$136 million a year, with RD$57 million for 144 staff, as reported in Hoy.

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/9/9/445509/Entidades-suprimidas-tenian-nomina-de-RD56MM-por-ano (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/9/9/445509/Entidades-suprimidas-tenian-nomina-de-RD56MM-por-ano)

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