View Full Version : Judge Rita Mella for Surrogate Court

09-11-2012, 04:40 PM
In a judicial contest to be held on 13 September, Dominican-American Rita Mella will be vying to head the important Surrogate Court of Manhattan. The court oversees wills, estates and adoptions. The winner will succeed Kristin Booth Glen, who is stepping down after seven years as one of the borough's two Surrogate's Court judges. Mella won her Civil Court seat in 2006. She now sits in Criminal Court, but has also served as the principal court attorney for Margarita Lopez Torres, a judge in Brooklyn Surrogate's Court. The other candidate, Barbara Jaffe, a longtime Civil Court judge, has served as an acting State Supreme Court justice since 2010, focusing largely on matrimonial cases.

See www.mellaforsurrogate.org (http://www.mellaforsurrogate.org)

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