View Full Version : JAD to deal with farm import permits

09-13-2012, 01:40 PM
President Danilo Medina has issued Decree 569-12 that authorizes the Bolsa Agroempresarial (farmer produce exchange or bourse) of the Agribusiness Board (JAD) to emit tenders for contracting importers of farm products. He said that the decision complied with requests from producers and traders who complained that the permits for the imports of farm products covered by the Technical Rectification were being issued discretionally and without transparency. Agriculture Minister Luis Ramon Rodriguez said that the measure would make the allocation of import permits more transparent. From now on, the Bolsa Agroempresarial will issue permits for the importation of rice, garlic, onions, milk, corn, sugar and poultry meat through public tender. The decision received the backing of JAD executive vice president Osmar Benitez and Eric Rivero, president of the National Farm Producers Confederation (Confenagro). Benitez, who was recently appointed honorary farming advisor to President Medina, says that the Bolsa has made transactions worth more than RD$1.5 billion.

www.diariolibre.com.do/economia/2012/09/13/i351705_asignacion-importaciones-via-bolsa-jad-frena-corrupcion.html (http://www.diariolibre.com.do/economia/2012/09/13/i351705_asignacion-importaciones-via-bolsa-jad-frena-corrupcion.html)

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