View Full Version : The Orange 4G controversy

09-13-2012, 01:40 PM
In his column today, Thursday 13 September, Diario Libre technology commentator Hiddekel Morrison confirms recent reports that the service Orange Telecom was marketing as 4G LTE was misnamed. He said that the service was only 3G or 3.5G Long Term Evolution (LTE) and not LTE-Advanced or 4G as promoted to Dominican consumers. Last week, the Dominican Telecommunications Institute (Indotel) issued a resolution ordering Orange to suspend the sale and promotion of the product promoted as fourth generation 4GLTE because it was making use of unauthorized frequencies and violated the General Law of Telecommunications. Indotel also accused Orange of offering a service that does not fulfill the promised speed or coverage, and creating false expectations and confusion among users.

Morrison says he confirmed the information with Chinese company Huawei, which held a trade show in Santo Domingo. Huawei is the supplier of the technology used by Orange. In a press release, Orange explains that it was selling a LTE network, not the LTE-Advanced as had been reported.

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/09/13/i351742_orange-lte-explicacion-tecnica.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/09/13/i351742_orange-lte-explicacion-tecnica.html)

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