View Full Version : Tono Lena not spilling the beans

09-13-2012, 01:40 PM
Lawyer Joaquin Perez, representing Ramon Antonio del Rosario Puente, alias Tono Lena, who was extradited to Puerto Rico for drug trafficking, has denied that he is negotiating with the authorities there and has described a statement from the Dominican Attorney General's office as both premature and unfounded.

He said that he does not understand why the head of the National Drug Control Agency (DNCD), General Rolando Rosado Mateo had stated that Tono Lena was cooperating with the authorities in Puerto Rico, and that sending the message that his client was giving information about drug dealers was putting his family in danger.

He confirmed that there was an agreement that he would be sentenced to 11 or 12 years in jail, which is standard for the crime in the US. He denied his client had any links with Jose David Figueroa Agosto.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/9/12/247008/Abogado-de-Tono-Lena-niega-que-su-cliente-este-negociando-con-las (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/9/12/247008/Abogado-de-Tono-Lena-niega-que-su-cliente-este-negociando-con-las)

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