View Full Version : Spotlight on Fior Mendez

09-13-2012, 01:40 PM
A Dominican girl who grew up in a La Romana orphanage since the age of 13 got the break of a lifetime when she was chosen to model by Nzinga Knight, a practicing Muslim, who herself was premiering in the New York Fashion Week with her contrastingly fully draped sensual dresses. Knight has found a market niche taking the best of Muslim influenced design, Caribbean and New Yorker style to the forefront.

Knight was not aware of Mendez's background until her successful walk during the show at the Lincoln Center on Friday, 7 September.

And then Fior Mendez's story broke, plunging the collection into the limelight as the story was reported in the press all around the world.

Mendez had stayed on in the orphanage to help others, while always dreaming of becoming a model. But then when she was 21, a friend of the organization's founder, Sonia Hane invited the aspiring model to live with her in New York City to learn English. This led to a meeting with a casting agent and circumstances were in her favor when Knight, who also has a Caribbean background, chose her to model her collection. Knight's father immigrated to New York City from Trinidad, her mother from Guyana. Both converted to Islam after reaching New York, where they raised six daughters.

Read more: www.news.com.au/lifestyle/fashion-beauty/in-sexy-fashion-world-one-designer-covers-up/story-fnet01u7-1226464873660#ixzz26M5bTNuA (http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/fashion-beauty/in-sexy-fashion-world-one-designer-covers-up/story-fnet01u7-1226464873660#ixzz26M5bTNuA)


www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2012/9/13/247108/El-hogar-que-vio-nacer-el-sueno-de-la-modelo-Fior-Mendez (http://www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2012/9/13/247108/El-hogar-que-vio-nacer-el-sueno-de-la-modelo-Fior-Mendez)

www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2201351/Fior-Mendez-Meet-New-York-Fashion-Weeks-extraordinary-catwalk-star.html?ito=feeds-newsxml (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2201351/Fior-Mendez-Meet-New-York-Fashion-Weeks-extraordinary-catwalk-star.html?ito=feeds-newsxml)

www.news.com.au/lifestyle/fashion-beauty/in-sexy-fashion-world-one-designer-covers-up/story-fnet01u7-1226464873660 (http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/fashion-beauty/in-sexy-fashion-world-one-designer-covers-up/story-fnet01u7-1226464873660)

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