View Full Version : IMF looking at DR's fiscal and external situation

09-14-2012, 06:20 PM
Speaking during a press briefing in Washington, DC yesterday, Thursday 13 September, IMF External Relations Department director Gerry Rice said that the IMF mission currently visiting the DR "would be looking at issues of the Dominican Republic's fiscal and external situation as well as the overall growth scenario during the mission". He was responding to a question on whether any agreement reached with the IMF would require the application of strong fiscal adjustment measures.

He said that the mission, which has been in the DR since early this week was "taking stock of recent economic developments in view of preparing the ground for post-program monitoring and Article IV discussions. "At the moment we do not have a program with the Dominican Republic," said Rice.

The Dominican authorities have indicated that the Article IV report could serve as a basis for further talks on an eventual program. Article IV report is when the mission staff presents a report to the IMF's executive board for discussion. The board's views are subsequently transmitted to the country's authorities, concluding the process known as Article IV consultation.

Mario Dehesa, a member of the visiting IMF mission described the Dominican economy as 'sophisticated' and 'in development' after meeting with Minister of Economy Temistocles Montas and Minister of the Presidency Gustavo Montalvo, as reported in Diario Libre. A meeting with President Danilo Medina has been set up for next week, once reports on the performance of public entities are received.

He said that the IMF officials had already had met with electricity sector and Central Bank representatives to compile needed information.

www.imf.org/external/np/tr/2012/tr091312.htm (http://www.imf.org/external/np/tr/2012/tr091312.htm)

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/09/13/i351800_fmi-califica-satisfactoria-economia-del-pais.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/09/13/i351800_fmi-califica-satisfactoria-economia-del-pais.html)

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