View Full Version : RD$1.9 billion for Literacy Plan

09-14-2012, 06:20 PM
Minister of Education Josefina Pimentel says that a national illiteracy inventory will be carried out this month and volunteer groups and schedules will be defined. She said that the main methods would be established between September and December, and municipal boards, support material and the budget and volunteers would be registered. People who will learn to read and write will undergo four months of instruction, attending three 1-1/2 hour lessons a week. Anyone wanting to continue their studies will have the opportunity to enroll in flexible basic adult education programs. She added that the Infotep vocational training institute would also be available for skills training.

The program, which has been named 'Quisqueya Learns With You,' aims to eliminate a social and human debt the country has carried for years, despite numerous initiatives since the 1960s. "This strategy, with its systematic, intensive and universal approach, will enable us to reach more than 700,000 Dominicans over the age of 15 who for some reason or other have not learned to read and write," said the minister.

She said that individuals and organizations could contribute or take part in many ways. This could involve helping with the inventory, design and implementation of the project, literacy teaching, donations, providing radio, TV or press space, physical space for the meetings of the literacy groups, organizing celebration events for people who have learned to read and write, and providing facilities for employees to teach during working hours.

To participate in the program, go to the Ministry of Education web page www.minerd.gob.do/plan_alfabetizacion/SiteAssets/asp.aspx (http://www.minerd.gob.do/plan_alfabetizacion/SiteAssets/asp.aspx)

Or call 809 688-9700 or 809 200-1000.

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