View Full Version : Academy of Sciences points to Xstrata Nickel's track record

09-14-2012, 06:20 PM
The Academy of Sciences said on Thursday, 13 September that authorizing open mining exploitation at Loma Miranda makes no sense whatsoever, as reported in El Dia. Xstrata Nickel, the former Falconbridge Dominicana, seeks to operate the mine. The Academy of Sciences says that the desolation of land areas exploited by the mine in Lomas Peguera, El Verde, Ortega and Ponton would be repeated. The entity recommended that the important environmental area should be declared a National Park to preserve its potential as a water resource for the nation. "Loma Miranda is a mine of water whose benefits can be seen in the farming area of the La Vega Real valley and in its supply of water to five provinces (La Vega, Monsenor Nouel, Sanchez Ramirez, Duarte and Hermanas Mirabal). He said that more than 20 towns depended on the water for their survival.

The Academy of Sciences says that "40 years is enough time to observe the conduct and lack of fulfillment of a company that as we can appreciate, dedicates a minimum amount of the resources generated by nickel and associated metals to remedy the impacts caused."

The Academy recommends instead that an environmental audit should be ordered to study the company's capacity to resolve the accumulated environmental liabilities left by their exploitation of the Peguera, El Verde, Ortega and Ponton mountains affected by nickel mining by Falconbridge Dominicana, now known as Xstrata Nickel.

www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/9/13/93589/Academia-de-Ciencias-pide-Loma-Miranda-sea-declarada-Parque-Nacional (http://www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/9/13/93589/Academia-de-Ciencias-pide-Loma-Miranda-sea-declarada-Parque-Nacional)

www.academiadecienciasrd.org/ (http://www.academiadecienciasrd.org/)

www.lomamiranda.com/b/noticias/82-falcondo-xstrata-nickel-en-plena-reforesta (http://www.lomamiranda.com/b/noticias/82-falcondo-xstrata-nickel-en-plena-reforesta)

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