View Full Version : Taxation will not solve Medina government's problems - Abinader

09-14-2012, 06:20 PM
Economist and former vice presidential candidate for the PRD, Luis Abinader has warned that the creation of new taxes and elimination of tax exemptions to productive sectors are not the correct ways of resolving the fiscal deficit. As reported in El Nuevo Diario, he said that measures of this nature would have a chilling effect on private investment, would increase unemployment and reduce the government's income base. He advised the Medina administration to concentrate its efforts on an integrated plan to attract new investment and create jobs that contribute to national production.

He said that the government needed to concentrate on production and an aggressive program to modernize farms, re-launch free zones, strengthen tourism, and eliminate red tape in order to motivate private investment so the DR can make the most of its geographic location to sell more farm products in the United States. He believes that the timing is right to secure more US production that had diverted to China.

Abinader said that the increase in taxation has affected producers and consumers, and is the wrong solution to the fiscal deficit problem created by taking on debt and irresponsible management of public spending during the Leonel Fernandez administration.

www.elnuevodiario.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=302041 (http://www.elnuevodiario.com.do/app/article.aspx?id=302041)

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