View Full Version : Armed Forces signs agreement against human trafficking

09-18-2012, 04:30 PM
Yesterday, Monday 17 September, the Minister of the Armed Forces, Admiral Sigfrido Pared Perez, signed an agreement to strengthen the means of protecting victims of human trafficking. The agreement is between the Specialized Border Security Corps (CESFRONT), the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

The agreement involves training members of the armed forces who are stationed at the border in human rights, children's rights and international refugee laws to protect the victims of human trafficking.

The United Nations will also be providing technical assistance to the armed forces in the design and implementation of a system to monitor and evaluate the situation and to draw up a code of conduct and contingency plans for handling cases of human trafficking.

Father Regino Martinez, coordinator of the NGO Frontier Solidarity said that the traffic of undocumented people via the Haitian-Dominican border generates millions of pesos a year for those involved including the accommodation providers, transport providers and the security forces.

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/09/18/i352350_onu-ffaa-buscan-evitar-trata-trafico-personas-por-frontera.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/09/18/i352350_onu-ffaa-buscan-evitar-trata-trafico-personas-por-frontera.html)

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