View Full Version : Dominicans are against anti-discrimination laws

09-18-2012, 04:30 PM
According to a survey by Newlink Research for Telenoticias and reported in Hoy newspaper, a high percentage of the Dominican public is discriminatory whether in terms of race, religion, style of dress, use of body piercings and tattoos and homosexuality, and most do not agree with anti-discrimination laws.

Forty percent of the population said there should not be laws to protect members of a different religion from discrimination, and this rose to 60% for people with piercings, earrings and tattoos. 55.7% disagreed with laws against discrimination against homosexuals.

The research was carried out by telephone amongst 1,055 people between the 10th and 13th of September with a margin of error of 3.02% and its main purpose was to see if there was a need to protect Haitians against mistreatment and discrimination. In this regard, 53% of the population said that there should be legal means to protect Haitians from mistreatment and discrimination and 47% disagreed. When skin color was included in the question 57.7% said yes and 42.4% no.

When it came to discrimination against women, 74.8% said there should be laws and 25.2% said no.

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/9/17/446776/Mayoria-de-dominicanos-practica-la-discriminacion-segun-encuesta-de (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/9/17/446776/Mayoria-de-dominicanos-practica-la-discriminacion-segun-encuesta-de)

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