View Full Version : President Medina in NY and at the United Nations

09-25-2012, 03:50 PM
President Danilo Medina traveled to the United States on Sunday, 23 September to participate in the United Nations 67th General Assembly in New York City.

He took a regular flight (Delta 494) accompanied by his wife, First Lady Candida Montilla. He is expected to return on Wednesday, 26 September.

The official delegation includes Minister of Foreign Relations Carlos Morales Troncoso, Minister of the Presidency Gustavo Montalvo, Presidential Administrative Minister Jose Ramon Peralta and Communications Director Roberto Rodriguez Marchena. The deputy director of the National Investigations Department (DNI) Miguel Mercedes, his personal assistant Carlos Pared Perez and the head of the presidential military corps, General Adams Caceres Silvestre are also traveling with the President.

Reporters covering the presidency complained that they were not informed that the President was taking an earlier flight until they got to the airport. The Presidency had notified the President would leave at 4pm, when he actually left at 1:20pm.

Prior to his UN engagements, President Medina met with US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton at an event at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel. The Presidency reported that Clinton congratulated Medina on measures taken with regards to ethics and transparency in government, and to strengthen the business climate and the country's international image. Medina's meeting with Clinton lasted around 40 minutes. The officials who attended agreed to create a high-level bilateral commission to discuss matters of mutual interest such as education, health, energy and political reform in the country.

Following the meeting, President Medina visited the the Salome Urena de Henriquez School in Upper Manhattan where he headed a large event with the Dominican community in New York and other east coast states. He said: "There are many tasks pending to improve the conditions of a good part of our fellow citizens and this is why we need to be united, including with the opposition parties," he said. "The only colors that I will take into account are those of the tricolor flag," he said, referring to traditional partisan politics in the Dominican Republic.

President Medina then met with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who congratulated him on his electoral victory and thanked him on behalf of the UN for the Dominican Republic's support for Haiti after the 2010 earthquake. They spoke about the Dominican government's social priorities and opportunities for cooperation with the UN. Medina confirmed that his priorities were education and job creation as well as ensuring that the population had sufficient food and access to healthcare.

In New York, Medina went on to meet with the president of the Inter-American Development Bank, Luis Alberto Moreno, with whom he spoke about energy and tax reform.

President Danilo Medina is scheduled to make his address around noon in the first session of debates, having been invited to speak on the theme "Adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations by peaceful means".

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