View Full Version : Former legislator killed in car crash

09-25-2012, 03:50 PM
Three people were killed and four were injured on Sunday, 23 September in a car accident on the Juan Dolio and San Pedro de Macoris stretch of the Autovia del Este highway. The fatalities included former Barahona legislator, Venancio Perez Perez, aged 71 and Florangel Lara, aged 15.

News reports say the accident happened when the SUV, which was en route to the Higuey Basilica, lost control and skidded after one of its tires exploded. A bystander was also killed, a 29-year old Haitian, Paul Person. The vehicle skidded and then hit a lamppost.

The injured, who were taken to the local hospital in San Pedro and then the capital are Rosa Ana Lopez and Angel Manuel Lara, Rosangel Lara, aged 17, and Antonia Felix Perez, all originally from Barahona.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/9/23/248310/Dos-muertos-entre-ellos-un-ex-diputado-y-5-heridos-en-accidente-Autovia (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/9/23/248310/Dos-muertos-entre-ellos-un-ex-diputado-y-5-heridos-en-accidente-Autovia)

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