View Full Version : Giuliani and Violence in Pre-9/11 New York

03-10-2007, 03:50 PM
penchant for petticoats --few people remember the cloud of violence that shrouded the tenure as Mayor of New York City. Almost from the start of his first term, and right up to the morning of Septemb...

More... (http://story.haitisun.com/index.php/ct/9/cid/8d0a8b42a4163d9f/id/7319049/)

03-10-2007, 04:17 PM
Nice spin....what a bunch of crap!

There were certainly marks against Giuliani's administration. Things could have been handled better (i.e. Louima, Dialo, etc.) Rudy was not as gifted as Bloomberg in making people feel included, in fact he at times seemed antagonistic. But in evaluating his body of work as a mayor, one must be blind if they can't recognize the incredible improvements made during the Giukiani years, and continuing through the Bloomberg administration.

I know it may not be popular among mongers on these boards because Rudy was responsible for getting prostitutes off the streets, shutting down many sex shops, etc., but as a lifelong resident in the NY area, I can not over-emphasize the importance of Rudy's contribution to revitilizing NY, and not just the more affluent areas of the city. He made this city liveable and made it the #1 tourist city again, thereby stimulating the economy and finding more people jobs. His performance during the aftermath of 9/11 was just icing on the cake. He had already made his indelible mark on the city.

Dinkins, Koch, Beame, Lindsay? Anyone remember NY in the 60's, 70's and 80's?