View Full Version : Deputy complains about exorbitant pension

09-27-2012, 01:10 PM
Deputy Francisco Matos (PLD) complained yesterday, Wednesday, 26 September that former Banking Superintendent, Haivanjoe Ng Cortinas, had awarded himself a monthly pension of RD$651,000, on the grounds that he had 25 years of service as a public employee, as reported in Listin Diario.

Ng Cortinas became a pensioner on 17 August, a day after President Danilo Medina took power. At the same time as receiving the pension, he continues to work in government in the post of Comptroller General, also one of the highest paid government posts.

The new Banking Superintendent, Rafael Camilo said that the pension rules were included in the Law via the Monetary and Finance Board, which gave the right to a pension after 20 years service to the State and Ng Cortinas had in addition spent six in the Banking Superintendence. He said he was simply obeying the law. Cortinas said that when he received the pension, some other 40 employees had also benefited, as reported in Diario Libre.

Ng Cortinas declared a wealth of RD$40 million on occasion of taking on the post of Comptroller General.

www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/9/26/248670/Diputado-denuncia-ex-superintendente-de-Bancos-se-pensiono-con-RD651-mil (http://www.listindiario.com/la-republica/2012/9/26/248670/Diputado-denuncia-ex-superintendente-de-Bancos-se-pensiono-con-RD651-mil)

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