View Full Version : Government needs US$600 million for electricity arrears

09-28-2012, 05:50 PM
The executive vice president of the Public Electricity Corporation (CDEEE), Ruben Jimenez Bichara says that the institution needs at least another US$600 million for arrears with power generators. He said the system owes US$1.23 billion primarily to suppliers and generators. Of the total, he said that US$437.7 million is current debt owed to the generators and Refidomsa, the petroleum refinery. The breakdown of the debt also includes US$360 million for the deficit at the end of the year, US$303.8 million owed to the governmental Banco de Reservas and US$134.7 million to suppliers.

Jimenez Bichara said that the company is accumulating a monthly deficit of US$100 million. He said the solution to the problem could not be reached in the short term. He says that work needs to continue on converting plants that consume expensive fuel to natural gas, a tender announced to convert plants to coal, improving hydroelectric plants, converting Cogentrix to natural gas, and implementing the fuels spot exchange, a trading platform to reduce the sector's operational costs.

www.hoy.com.do/economia/2012/9/26/448043/CRISIS-ELECTRICA-CDEEE-necesita-US1236-millones-para-pagar-deudas (http://www.hoy.com.do/economia/2012/9/26/448043/CRISIS-ELECTRICA-CDEEE-necesita-US1236-millones-para-pagar-deudas)

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