View Full Version : Hot cases for Medina: Felix Bautista and Ng Cortinas

09-28-2012, 05:50 PM
President Danilo Medina has asked for time to get his hands wet with the cases involving San Juan de la Maguana senator Felix Bautista and former Superintendent of Banks Haivanjoe Ng Cortinas.

Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito has said he would reopen the case against Bautista, the controversial senator who for many years headed the Office of Supervisory Works of the Presidency (OISOE) and made headlines for the Sunland (UASD buildings), building projects in Haiti and most recently, the Higuey jail construction. The cases presented by the Citizens Against Corruption Group (G3), and another by former district attorney Guillermo Moreno, presidential candidate for the Alianza Pais party, were shelved by the government anti-corruption agency just hours before the change of government.

Attorney General Francisco Dominguez Brito sent to the Penal Chamber of the Supreme Court of Justice a request for revoking the Auto 03093 issued by the National Anti-Corruption Office (DPCA) in favor of engineer Felix Ramon Bautista Rosario. At a press conference, Dominguez Brito said that the law needed to be equal for all, despite the connections. "Democracy works when the law acts independently of the person's status, and that for us is fundamental," he said at a press conference. He said that the fact that the case was shelved for lack of evidence, while serving as motivation to the prosecutors responsible for the investigation, this should have been done provisionally, not definitively.

Regarding Ng Cortinas, currently Comptroller General of the nation, three senators Tommy Galan, Charlie Mariotti and Julio Cesar Valentin called for the revocation of the RD$651,000 monthly pension Ng was granted by the Superintendence of Banks. Galan complained that as Ng is 50 years old, he will have time to collect more than RD$78 million, so the pension can be said to be the equivalent of winning the largest prize of any lottery.

El Nacional reports that Ng declared personal assets worth RD$40 million. When he was appointed Superintendent of Banks in 2009, he declared assets of RD$20 million.

News reports say that Ng Cortinas' pension is not unusual, and that hundreds of others have benefitted after working in the Superintendence and Central Bank, as well as in other government institutions with high wages.

On the morning of Friday, 28 September, Ng Cortinas announced he was renouncing the RD$651,000 pension he was granted at the time when the government changed. El Dia reported in a cover story that when he was superintendent of banks the Superintendence passed the Ruling for the Complementary Plan for Pensions and Retirements for its employees "customized" to fit his own case.

Senator Galan suggested the creation of a commission to review the pension plans of a series of institutions that he considers have disproportionate benefits.

www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/21940/56/Dominguez-Brito-reabrira-el-expediente-de-corrupcion-contra-Felix-Bautista.html (http://www.acento.com.do/index.php/news/21940/56/Dominguez-Brito-reabrira-el-expediente-de-corrupcion-contra-Felix-Bautista.html)

www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/09/27/i353558_demandan-investigar-exfuncionarios-superintendencia-bancos.html (http://www.diariolibre.com/noticias/2012/09/27/i353558_demandan-investigar-exfuncionarios-superintendencia-bancos.html)

www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/9/27/94998/Haivanjoe-aprobo-el-reglamento-que-lo-beneficia-con-pension (http://www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/9/27/94998/Haivanjoe-aprobo-el-reglamento-que-lo-beneficia-con-pension)

www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2012/9/28/248961/Haivanjoe-Ng-Cortinas-renuncia-a-la-pension-que-se-otorgo-por-RD651-mil (http://www.listin.com.do/la-republica/2012/9/28/248961/Haivanjoe-Ng-Cortinas-renuncia-a-la-pension-que-se-otorgo-por-RD651-mil)

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