View Full Version : Mercadom: Another white elephant?

09-28-2012, 05:50 PM
An editorial in Diario Libre questions the rationale behind the bill sent to Congress, proposing the creation of Mercadom, a new government entity to manage food markets nationwide. "In a country with free market that does not know how to pay its debts, we would be creating another white elephant feeding off the government budget," writes the editorialist. The writer suggests leasing to the private sector Merca Santo Domingo, the wholesale market yet to enter into operation despite being inaugurated by former President Leonel Fernandez. The writer states that the private sector is more likely to operate it to generate funds to pay the RD$4 billion borrowed for its construction, instead of the government taking on more debt. The newspaper also wonders what the city governments will have to say about the unfair competition from the central government.

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