View Full Version : CREES proposes more efficient government spending

09-28-2012, 05:50 PM
Economists meeting for debates promoted by the Regional Center for Sustainable Economic Strategies have provided the Dominican government with a proposal for an integral fiscal reform based on a reduction and improvement in public spending and simplifying the taxation regime. As reported in Diario Libre, the president of CREEES Marino Ginebra Hurtado said these measures would stimulate investment production and job creation in productive activities and would generate greater wealth for the Dominican Republic. He said there is a window of opportunity for the implementation with the change of government. Dominican economist Victor Canto, founder and president of La Jolla Economics, suggested that the solution to the Dominican fiscal deficit is in the reduction of government spending and the application of a policy of a single tax for all, which could be 20% and is easy to apply and difficult to evade. He said that what bothers people most is that some pay while others do not. He favored applying taxes to everything. He said that in a small and open economy like the DR's it would be convenient to dollarize the economy, because here everything is already fixed to a multiple of 1 to 40, which is the present US$ dollar exchange rate. "In this country everything is calculated in dollars," he said. He believes that the government should facilitate more accounts in US currency.

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