View Full Version : CONEP rejects elimination of incentives

10-01-2012, 03:00 PM
The National Business Council (CONEP) denies that the business community favors the elimination of the laws that grant tax incentives to different economic sectors. According to El Caribe, CONEP president Manuel Diez Cabral recalled that the successive tax reforms have all been merely efforts to collect more money, and they have created major distortions in the tax system that have caused serious difficulties for the country's productive process and competitiveness on global markets.

CONEP insists that any fiscal reform needs to favor competitiveness in order to guarantee the country's development. Diez Cabral referred to the fact that "the country has undergone a big commercial opening since the beginning of the last decade with the signing of multiple free trade agreements, but it has not developed a plan to help national products to get into those markets."

www.hoy.com.do/economia/2012/9/30/448548/Defensa-cerrada-del-Conep-a-incentivos (http://www.hoy.com.do/economia/2012/9/30/448548/Defensa-cerrada-del-Conep-a-incentivos)

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