View Full Version : Coffee exports are up and so is cacao

10-01-2012, 03:00 PM
In two interesting articles, Hoy economic reporter Soila Paniagua details the increase of coffee and cacao exports. Coffee exports were up by 16%, according to Fausto Burgos Mejia, the head of the Dominican Coffee Council, and this was the largest crop in the last 14 years. A total of 133,000 quintals were exported and produced over US$30 million. Coffee exports have grown over the past eight years from 60,000 quintals to 133,000 quintals, and income has increased from US$6 million to US$30 million.

Today is National Cacao Day in the Dominican Republic and the nation celebrates the fact that for the first time ever the country has produced more than 70,000 metric tons (2,200lbs) of cacao and brought in over US$180 million dollars. The country is the world leader in organic cacao exports and second in exports of fine cacao.

www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/9/30/448645/Codocafe-dice-exportaciones-cafe-aumentaron-16-este-ano (http://www.hoy.com.do/el-pais/2012/9/30/448645/Codocafe-dice-exportaciones-cafe-aumentaron-16-este-ano)

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