View Full Version : Dominicans need to watch their weight

10-02-2012, 03:30 PM
At a press conference held to mark World Heart Day, Dr. Petronila Martinez Peguero, president of the Dominican Cardiology Society, said that in the last 15 years there has been an unprecedented increase in obesity in the country, as in 1995 the obesity rate was barely 16% but it now stands at 26%, representing a 64% increase.

She stated that people should not be tempted by special offers on fast food, such as 2 for the price of 1, as they would start to eat larger portions and become used to eating that amount. She also said that people who ate large quantities often lacked a hormone called Leptin, which is produced by fatty tissue and gives the feeling of being full. People with this deficiency tend to eat more and become overweight.

Dr. Martinez went on to list the medical conditions associated with excess weight, including cardiovascular problems, diabetes and high cholesterol.

She called for the Ministry of Public Health to legislate on saturated fat levels in street food, as more and more people were eating outside the home. In addition she urged the health authorities to consider policies for tobacco smoking restrictions, taxes on food rich in oils, sugar and salt, providing pedestrian and bicycle paths to encourage physical activity, and healthy school meals.

www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/10/1/95195/Doctora-alerta-obesidad-sigue-aumentando-en-el-pais (http://www.eldia.com.do/nacionales/2012/10/1/95195/Doctora-alerta-obesidad-sigue-aumentando-en-el-pais)

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