View Full Version : Small business drowning under new taxes

03-12-2007, 06:10 PM
Small businessmen are asking the tax authorities to collect VAT and other taxes on a quarterly basis rather than the monthly collections now in force. Recent changes in the tax regimen have forced small businesses to work wonders with limited economic resources. The greatest problem facing the small entrepreneur is the monthly VAT payment on merchandise sold on credit. The entire issue, according to the article in Diario Libre, appears to revolve around this monthly payment of sales, whether collected or not. Reporter Lisania Batista interviewed auto parts dealers, importers, pharmacists and clothing sellers. Everyone interviewed made the same point about the difficulty of meeting the monthly payments to the Internal Revenue office. The new NCF invoice form, now obligatory for all invoices has also caused added expenses to many small owners. In general, everyone interviewed shared the view that the government has to be more understanding about the problems facing small businesses and take steps to ensure that this sector is not stamped out by taxing it to death.

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