View Full Version : DR-CAFTA workshop

03-13-2007, 02:40 PM
The American Chamber of Commerce, with the backing of USAID, the Department of Customs and Funglode is holding a workshop on 28-29 March, on the subject of "Goods Trade under DR-CAFTA. Ambassador Eduardo Ayala, chief negotiator for El Salvador for DR-CAFTA and the DR-Central America FTA will be the main speaker. Eduardo Rodriguez, technical deputy director of the Customs Department will give an overview of DR-CAFTA in its first month of application. Also taking part are Agriculture Deputy Minister Luis Ramon Rodriguez and National Competitiveness Council agricultural advisor Jesus de los Santos, Deputy Director of the National Free Zone Council (CNZFE) Daniel Liranzo, DR-CAFTA deputy coordinator Lynette Batista on industry, National Free Zone Association (Adozona) director Jose Manuel Torres, and president of the Dominican Business Council Manuel Diez, among others. The workshop is RD$4,000 for general admission and RD$3,500 for members of the American Chamber of Commerce. Sessions are scheduled for Wednesday, 28 March in the afternoon, and all day, from 8am on Thursday, 29 March. For more information, contact Martha Linares at mlinares@amcham.org.do

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