View Full Version : Construction on bi-national market begins

03-15-2007, 07:50 PM
Representatives from the European Union, international organizations, and representatives from the Dominican and Haitian governments, inaugurated the construction of the RD$210 million binational market in the border province of Dajabon. This will be a place where Dominican and Haitian merchants can trade. The inauguration took place where the site will be erected, at the edge of the Masacre River. The river acts as a border for the two countries. Dino Sinigallia, chief of the European National Authorizing Office (ONFED) delegation in the DR, Onofre Rojas, provincial governor Arturo Socias and Haitian Work Minister Frank Verela all spoke during the ceremony. Sinigallia says that this is the first border project inaugurated by ONFED funds and that the project has been in the works for many years. He forecast that the market would contribute to the development of the border areas.

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