View Full Version : Subero robbed by man he knew

03-15-2007, 07:50 PM
Preliminary results from investigations reveal that the robbery and shooting of businessman Jose Miguel Subero was done by a man he knew and trusted. Hoy writes that on late afternoon Tuesday Subero was relaxing in his villa at Barranca No.9 at Casa de Campo when a group of men, armed with an Uzi and pistols, entered Subero's villa. The men took Subero in his Land Cruiser SUV, robbed him, shot him twice and left him for dead in the batey Cacata near Casa de Campo. Subero managed to stand up and was spotted by one of the security guards. Using the security guard's phone, Subero called his wife, Lourdes Hernandez de Subero, who called retired colonel Pedro Julio "Pepe" Goico. Goico arranged for a plane to transport Subero to Santo Domingo to receive care. Police explain that Rafael Alexander Alejo Diaz, who was Subero's driver, admitted that he planned the robbery attempt and facilitated his accomplice's access to Subero's villa. Police Chief Bernardo Santana Paez explained that as Subero's driver, Alejo Diaz, who had a previous criminal record, had an access card that gave him access to Casa de Campo residential area and to Subero's villa. Six men have been arrested in connection to the robbery and attempted murder. Casa de Campo officials released a statement assuring that the complex has always been characterized by their strict security measures. They continued by saying that all who enter and exit Casa de Campo must be identified.

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