View Full Version : Drug summit today

03-16-2007, 04:20 PM
The highly anticipated summit on Drugs, Security and Cooperation is taking place at the Diplomatic School located at the Foreign Ministry building. Prime Ministers from Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, Saint Vincent and Grenada will be attending the Summit, together with representatives from the United States, Spain, France, Holland, the European Union, Caricom and the United Nations. Colombian President Alvaro Uribe and Haitian President Rene Preval are also attending. Listin Diario explains that the summit has exceeded expectations and that interest is high. According to Listin, the authorities planned for the participation of 300 people but that over 800 have applied for credentials for the event. Eduardo Gamarra, from the Center for Latin American and Caribbean studies based in Miami, Florida, will also be attending the summit. In comments made to Hoy newspaper, Gamarra questioned drug policies implemented by the international community and called for their revision. Gamarra, a professor at Florida International University, says that too much emphasis has been put on intercepting drugs instead of creating an overall strategic plan to combat the drug trade. Gamarra will be addressing the summit this Friday.

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