View Full Version : Chaos in obtaining good conduct document

03-16-2007, 04:20 PM
Chaos seems to be the only word to describe the situation at the Palacio de la Justicia in Ciudad Nueva. Citizens who go to that office to get a certification of good conduct have been met with increase in prices, long lines, disorganization and few results. The document costs RD$250, a 200% increase, and is needed in order to get a job or a license, among other things. Diario Libre writes that the situation reached the point that people began pushing and police officers had to intervene to restore order. According to Hoy, in the past an average of 30 people would be in line to get their documents but now, judges and workers at the Palacio have to weave through the crowds in order to get to their offices. There was no comment from officials about the reasons for the delay or about how they plan to deal with the situation.

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