View Full Version : Tourism rates decrease

03-16-2007, 04:20 PM
Although tourist arrivals by air increased by 3.45% in the first two months of the year, Hoy reports that this is a significant decline compared to the same period last year. In January-February 2006 the arrival of non-resident tourists on planes increased by 8.17% and increased by 6.50% for the same period in 2005. The Central Bank Report points out that the decrease in non-resident tourists, especially from Puerto Rico and the US, could be due to new US government regulations that require US citizens to have a valid passport to enter the United States. The turbulent weather in the northeastern part of the United States caused the cancellation of many flights, which also led to a decrease in the number of non-resident tourists. For the first two months of this year 664,523 non-resident tourists arrived on planes compared to 641,335 who arrived in the country for the same period in 2006. The Central Bank Report also indicates that a total of 819,006 (resident and non-resident) tourists arrived in the country, which is an increase of 30,058 tourists compared to 2006. This is an increase of 3.81%.
As far as tourism by country of origin Canada came first with the arrival of 193,047 visitors. This represents 29.05% of total arrivals. The United States came in second with 25.83% of total arrivals. Punta Cana received most arrivals with 345,420 - the equivalent of 51.98% of the total. Puerto Plata's Gregorio Luperon airport came in second with 125,373 passengers, for 18.87% of the total. Only 14.57% of arrivals came through Las Americas Airport. Samana's new airport at El Catey, which has been open for just four months, registered 16,133 arrivals.

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