View Full Version : US - Colombia relations (could be interesting)

Don Tomas
03-17-2007, 11:24 AM
Since the US requests the extradition of many drug dealers each year from Colombia who technically break laws somewhat indirectly in the US, lets face it they ain't flying the planes or drivng the boats or even stepping on US soil, this story will be interesting for future extraditions....

BOGOTA, Colombia -- Outraged Colombians called Friday for the United States to extradite American banana executives after the Cincinnati-based fruit giant Chiquita acknowledged paying money for protection to illegal groups that carried out killings.

Chiquita settled a U.S. Justice Department probe by agreeing Wednesday to pay a $25 million fine and acknowledging that its wholly owned subsidiary Banadex paid $1.7 million to far-right paramilitaries labeled terrorists by the United States. Chiquita also admitted funding Colombia's two main leftist rebel groups.
Chiquita portrayed itself as a victim of Colombian violence, saying Banadex ''had been forced to make payments to right- and left-wing paramilitary groups in Colombia to protect the lives of its employees.