View Full Version : 07/2019 - 2 days in the Peninsula

07-26-2019, 11:50 AM
Spent the last 2 days in Las Terrenas. The drive up from Santo Domingo on the new highway is very pleasant and only took a little over 2 hours. There are a few tolls you have pay and the cost is around 1000 pesos. Still worth if for the time you will save.

This was my first time in Las Terrenas, Have to say I loved it. For the most part it was clean, quiet and beautiful. It was a combination of Boca Chica, Sosua and a resort.

What I mean is it's a beach town with Hos, but the beaches are so clean without people panhandling that you feel like you are in a resort.

I stayed at Hotel Costa Arena. It's a nice hotel, a little dated, but breakfast was included at the location was great. The room was a decent size with a view of the ocean, right on the beach.




07-26-2019, 12:07 PM
The first day was a little over casted, but still had time to get in the water. Living in SD makes you forget this is a Island, so it was almost like going to another country, being in a hotel and swimming the ocean. Something about blue salt water is so relaxing. The sand in LT is very different than the ones at other beaches in RD. It was if they imported it in from somewhere else. I described it as refined brown sugar.

It's the low season so much of the town was slow except for mostly European tourist and Expats. There are many choices for dinning. The one I had dinner in was small but my friend recommended it. I though the food was good but my friend said there is a new chef and its not that good anymore.




07-26-2019, 12:20 PM
As I stated it's the low season so at night not that much action on the streets and also it was a Tuesday.

If you love flacas with brown and dark skin you will love this place. Didn't see many big booty, yellow chicas.

Also this must be heaven for middle and old white women. They young Dominican men were all over them. You see them driving the road on a scooter or ATV arms wrapped tightly around their Dominican chicos. At the discos they dance with them all night. There was a women who looked like she was in her late 50s slim, but she had on a leopard print cat suit. I saw her at 2 different clubs dancing the night away with many different dance partners. Made me think was the movie Sand Dollars filmed here.
If you haven't seen that movie check it out. It's the female version of the tourist that falls for a Ho and get used.

07-26-2019, 12:44 PM
After dinner hit the club Bodega. Its a huge club but being the middle of the week it was dead. they had a dance team there that would get people up and get the club moving. Some of the dancers were very good.

Next stop was Babylon. Walking distance from the first club. More people in this club and the waitress and bartenders are nice looking. I got the number from one of the waitress and ask her what she does when she she gets off. She told me she goes home so I said, "You are tired after working all night?" She told me "no, i don't fall asleep I just watch some TV." I'm thinking that sounds like an opening, later it turns out that wasn't the case.

We head over to a third spot Quan, or something like that. I don't know if this place has the reputation for being gay friendly but in one corner there was a big Dominican chica deep kissing this white young girl. In another corner there were a group of young Dominican men and young men from I would guest Europe dancing to Tecno. Didn't stay long in this bar. The last stop was a local Dominican spot. By this time it was around 3am and the music there was too loud for me. Nothing worst than loud music is loud music on crappy speakers.

I get back to my hotel and I'm thinking hey the waitress from Babylon is home now and she said she doesn't go straight to sleep. I send her a WhatsApp message and ask what's she's doing. She says just watching tv, so I replied you want to come to my hotel room. This is where living here and being a monger goes awry sometime. I've done this with waitress in bars in Sosua and here in the Capital, so I didn't think I was doing anything wrong but.... She took a while to reply and said this is not the hour to come to a mans room, Only Putas come to a man's room at this hour. Oh well guess she's not coming. First day ends with no pussy but still enjoyable. JAJAJAJA

07-26-2019, 01:20 PM
Next day awake with a little headache probably due to me not hanging out that late in awhile and I think due to some of the alcohol from the night before.

I'm not saying I had bootlegged liquor in my drink, but it was some cheap shit. I didn't finish my drink from 2 different places that night. So I didn't get up for breakfast.

My friends said lets go to Las Galeras, and off we went. The ride is really curvy and if you get behind one of these slow moving trucks it can get annoying.
Still the road was in good shape.

We past through Samana on the way there, an area I've always wanted to go. We planned on stopping there on the way back, but didn't because it was getting late and didn't want to drive at night.

Finally made it to Las Galeras, but it was not impressive. There are some resorts close by but the beach is small and didn't have many options to eat or sightseeing. We decide to stop by Playaita since it was recommend by one of the locals on the beach.

This was a small beach also but had more restaurants. We stopped in one of the bigger restaurants and before we could order, a chica came over and offered massages. LOL
I was thinking of getting one since I didn't fuck the night before. I thought let me eat first. Looked at the menu and the prices then changed my mine. 800 pesos for fish. I know this is a tourist trap and many not a big deal, but when you know what the price sound be I politely get up. Couldn't imagine what the price of that massage would be. LOL

Walked over to a small restaurant that was Dominican owned and had great Pescado de a coco for 450 pesos.




