View Full Version : Merchants say sales are down

03-19-2007, 05:50 PM
The National Federation of Merchants and Businessmen (FENACODERD) say that business is down by 45% in the first two months of the year, and that this trend has continued into the beginning of March. According to the federation, the yearly fall in sales is going to be around 35% if things continue at their current pace. The traders attribute the fall in sales to the bottleneck in the distribution process created by the new tax measures that require tax forms for sales between large and small businesses. According to the organization, in the central part of the country, sales were off 45%, and in the north and northeastern part of the country, sales were reportedly off by 50%. In this region, part of the drop in sales was attributed to the closure of many free zone factories. The federation said that poor internal organization in accounting practices had created fears among smaller merchants, forcing them to reduce their normal purchases.

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