View Full Version : 05/2021 - High Caribbean up for sale

Gutter Meat
05-16-2021, 06:15 PM
I can't see any takers with the missive entertainment complex almost ready next door.

05-16-2021, 07:46 PM
I can't see any takers with the missive entertainment complex almost ready next door.
Click to see pic (https://news.insearchofchicas.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=166434&d=1621203157)

Shouldn't the sign say; For Sale, The Largest CLOSED Disco in the North Coast, ( even before Covid 19):rolleyes:

05-16-2021, 08:05 PM
Maybe AD will buy it.

With someone else's money of course

Heard a rumor that he may be returning from an extended stay in Holland and will be looking to get back into the bar business again.

05-16-2021, 08:41 PM
Didn't he already burn the High Carribean bridge shortly after he burned the Citylights bridge?

Maybe AD will buy it.

With someone else's money of course

Heard a rumor that he may be returning from an extended stay in Holland and will be looking to get back into the bar business again.

05-16-2021, 09:34 PM
Didn't he already burn the High Carribean bridge shortly after he burned the Citylights bridge?

Oh Yes

He has burned most of his bridges in Sosua no doubt

Screwed over alot of people before he went back to Holland and some were hot on his trail to get paid

But have pretty good info he has plans on coming back soon and opening another bar.

Perhaps he acquired some dough in Holland

He is such a smooth character and those types allow stuff to roll off their shoulders and get right back at it.

05-16-2021, 11:04 PM
Rancho Tipico??

05-17-2021, 02:32 AM
Rancho Tipico??

Yes the same AD of Rancho Tipico fame


He was a pretty likeable bar manager and many of the Camareras loved him even though he treated them very badly

The first time Rancho Tipico was shut down the fines etc pretty much wiped him out.

His attorney pretty much controlled him after that

His stint at City Lights was merely as a manager with no ownership and they didn't see eye to eye on many things even though he basically made the last version of City Lights on the PC a success

Off to High Carribean again pretty much as a manager. He knew what he was doing there to and what it was there was because of him. Problem again was he could not get along with the money ownership and the other manager who also happened to be one of the owners and thus did not last.

He tried to open a little bar on Gregrio Martin after that but all on other people's credit with promises of making the monthly payments. Well he never made any of the payments the place was shut down in less than 90 days

Off to the beach where he rented a spot and again did not make his payments and they eventually kicked him out of there to.

I might have missed pieces along the way but pretty much by the time he went back to Holland there were some that were after him pretty hard.

High Carribbean is a a great property but it also has seen better days and the roof leaks badly. I suspect to fix it right would take big bucks but if the north end ever takes off it might be a good investment or maybe Sosua will never be what it once was.

Perhaps Armando will buy it and move Classicos down there :corky: I suspect that Armando likely has had enough of the bar business and certainly doesn't need a Classicos type place to survive so I doubt we would see that happen.

But someone will buy it if the price is right.

05-17-2021, 03:57 PM
The torturous round chairs have to go! :corky:

What is exactly for sale and by whom and for how much? Is it in good faith sale or something else? :rolleyes:

What is exactly now represents a promised new red light corner at the end of PC? :confused: