View Full Version : DR could lose banana export market

03-20-2007, 06:20 PM
Diario Libre writes that the Dominican Republic could cease being the number one exporter of bananas to the European Union if the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) nations don't sign an Economic Partnership Agreement with the EU by 31 December this year. Caribbean nations currently export US$1.4 billion worth of products to the EU through a special dispensation program allowed by the World Trade Organization (WTO). This special dispensation will only be valid until 31 December of this year after which the EU would place tariffs on at least US$1 billion worth of products that are currently exempt. Diario Libre explains that the African and Pacific nations are extremely behind in their negotiations and this is why the Trade Negotiation Commission is urging the country to make the most of the next round of negotiations, scheduled for the end of April, and proposing that Caribbean nations sign a separate agreement from African and Pacific nations. However, the EU wants to negotiate collectively with ACP nations, not individually.

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