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08-01-2005, 03:52 AM
From El Caribe

Tasa de cambio
Gobierno: el peso tiene valor artificial
Exceso de precio con respecto al dólar es 26.5%
Por Edwin Ruiz / El Caribe
Lunes 1 de agosto del 2005 actualizado el domingo 31 de julio del 2005 a las 10:23 PM

En enero de este año, el Gobierno estimó en 26.5% la sobrevaloración del peso, un porcentaje que casi triplica la media del exceso de valor de la moneda nacional con respecto al dólar en la década de los noventa, que fue de 10.6%.

La Unidad de Análisis Económico del Secretariado Técnico de la Presidencia (STP) explicó que la sobre-apreciación del peso es resultado de la resistencia de los precios de los bienes y servicios que circulan en el mercado interno a ajustarse según la ca*da de la tasa de cambio.

Estimó que, entre agosto y diciembre del 2004, mientras el tipo de cambio nominal cayó en 32.8% el nivel de precios apenas se redujo en 2.4%.

Si se actualiza esa proyección sobre la base anualizada a junio de este año se observa que este comportamiento de los precios se ha mantenido, pues mientras la tasa de cambio bajó en 40.3%, los precios internos apenas se redujeron en 1%.

“La rigidez de los precios a la ca*da en el tipo de cambio y de los agregados monetarios se asocia a la rigidez de algunos costos como los salarios, al poder de fijación de precios que tienen las empresas en muchos de los mercados de bienes, al aumento en los precios del petróleo y a los nuevos impuestos”, afirma el análisis del STP, realizado en febrero pasado.

Los técnicos de esa secretar*a realizaron el cálculo de la sobrevaloración del peso sobre la base de los niveles relativos de los *ndices de precios (tasas de inflación) de Estados Unidos y el pa*s, lo que permite determinar el tipo de cambio de paridad.

El resultado significa que en el primer mes de este año el valor nominal del peso estaba por encima con respecto al nivel de equilibrio real en 26.5%, lo que conlleva a que los bienes y servicios que el pa*s exporta hacia el mercado estadounidense se encarezcan en ese porcentaje, afectando negativamente la competitividad de sectores como las zonas francas y el turismo.

Por esta razón, los representantes de las zonas francas alegan problemas de competitividad lo que ha conllevado a que empresas de ese sector hayan tenido que cerrar o despedir más de 20 mil trabajadores.

Los factores de la crisis

Según la STP entre las causas de la cadena de quiebra bancaria de mayo del 2003 estuvieron las “operaciones fraudulentas”, las pol*ticas macroeconómicas desacertadas y una creciente desconfianza en la gestión pública. Explica que como consecuencia del salvamento bancario se inició una expansión sin precedentes de los medios de pagos y que para contrarrestarlos, el BC aplicó operaciones de mercado abierto colocando certificados de inversión.

“Es en febrero del 2005 cuando el financiamiento interno neto del BC finalmente empezó a reducirse sistemáticamente”, dice.

Las estad*sticas más recientes (22 de julio) revelan que el financiamiento se situó en RD$106.2 mil millones y los valores en circulación (certificados) en RD$140.2 mil millones, lo que significa que el financiamiento interno neto es negativo en 34 mil millones de pesos, lo que repercute en la apreciación del peso.

08-01-2005, 07:36 AM
Can you translate that for the now fluent people.

Reel Deal
08-01-2005, 07:44 AM
It basically says that although the dollar has been strong ("artificially"?), prices have not fallen because of several factors (wages, business overhead, cost of oil). Additionally, the bank fraud bailout from a couple of years ago and basic macromismanagement of the economy have beem mitigating factors. The strong dollar has effected the competitiveness of the Free Zones whose owners are whining.

Maybe somebody else can do a better job of translation.

IMO, nothing will change as far as the exchange rate is concerned. It is one way to reduce the net debt the DR has run up over the years.

I'd hate to have to manage the economy of the DR. No matter what you do, it's fucked.

08-01-2005, 07:49 AM
but you could always get a nice BBBJCIM on the basis that you're the jefe

08-01-2005, 08:02 AM
It basically says that although the dollar has been strong ("artificially"?), prices have not fallen because of several factors (wages, business overhead, cost of oil). Additionally, the bank fraud bailout from a couple of years ago and basic macromismanagement of the economy have beem mitigating factors. The strong dollar has effected the competitiveness of the Free Zones whose owners are whining.

Maybe somebody else can do a better job of translation.

IMO, nothing will change as far as the exchange rate is concerned. It is one way to reduce the net debt the DR has run up over the years.

I'd hate to have to manage the economy of the DR. No matter what you do, it's fucked.

Yeah, the free zones and tourist business has become less competitive, the free zone representatives argue for action, they have already layed off 20.000 workers, the government is now acknowledging the problem of the 'artificially' overrated peso, but there's nothing about actually doing something about it.

08-01-2005, 08:05 AM
20,000 laid off? No Mucho!! :D

08-01-2005, 10:45 AM
this is what I got out of free translation.com

In January of this year, the Government reckoned in 26.5% the sobrevaloración of the weight, a percentage that almost trebles the average of the excess of value of the national currency with respect al dollar in the nineties, that was of 10.6%.

The Unit of Economic Analysis of the Secretariado Technical of the Presidency (STP) explained that the on-appreciation of the weight is turned out of the resistance of the prices of the goods and services that circulate in the internal market to be adjusted according to the fall of the exchange rate.

It reckoned that, between August and December of the 2004, while the nominal exchange rate fell in 32.8% the price level barely was reduced in 2.4%.

If that projection on the base annualized to June of this year is brought up to date is observed that this behavior of the prices has been maintained, therefore while the exchange rate descended in 40.3%, the internal prices barely were reduced in 1%.

“The inflexibility of the prices to the fall in the exchange rate and of the monetary aggregates associates to the inflexibility of some costs as the salaries, al to be able of obsession of prices that have the businesses in many of the markets of goods, al increase in the prices of the petroleum and to the new taxes”, affirms the analysis of the STP, carried out in February passed.

The technicians of that office of the secretary carried out the calculation of the sobrevaloración of the weight on the base of the relative levels of the indices of prices (rates of inflation) U.S. and the country, what permits to determine the exchange rate of parity.

The result signifies that in the first month from this year the face value of the weight was over with respect al level of real equilibrium in 26.5%, what involves to that the goods and services that the country exports toward the American market be recommended in that percentage, affecting negatively the competitiveness of sectors as the zones francas and the tourism.

By this reason, the representatives of the zones francas allege problems of competitiveness what has involved to that businesses of that sector have had that to close or to say good-bye more than 20 thousand workers.

The factors of the crisis

According to the STP among the causes of the chain of banking bankruptcy of May of the 2003 they were the “fraudulent operations”, the ill-advised macroeconomic politics and a growing distrust in the public management. It explains that as a result of the banking rescue an unprecedented expansion of the media of payments was initiated and that to counteract them, the BC applied operations of open market placing certificates of investment.

“It is in February of the 2005 when the net internal financing of the BC finally began to be reduced systematically”, says.

The most recent statistics (22 of July) reveal that the financing was situated in RD$106.2 billion and the values in circulation (certificates) in RD$140.2 billion, what signifies that the net internal financing is negative in 34 billion pesos, what results in the appreciation of the weight.

08-01-2005, 02:22 PM
im eating chinese food for lunch and didnt know i had some hot sauce on my finger and wiped my eye... That shit burns...

No it has nothing to do with the Currency in the DR but im sick of reading these useless threads... There is so much corruption noone will ever be able to guess the peso-dollar rate! :grin:

08-01-2005, 02:27 PM


08-01-2005, 02:28 PM
But it is more fun trying than burning your eyes with hot sauce.

08-01-2005, 02:31 PM
i think i have to take a shit now... Chinese always runs right through me! :eek: :oops: :mad:

08-01-2005, 04:26 PM
I still prefer the info on the peso situation, much more interesting than your current situation. This is new:

Coming soon: $10 and $25 currency coins
The Royal Canadian Mint has been awarded a US$3.5 million contract to produce 50 million peso coins. The circulation coins will be produced in denominations of RD$1, RD$10 and RD$25. At present there are coins with the denominations of RD$1 and RD$5 already in circulation. The RD$10 and RD$25 coins will be two newly- introduced monetary denominations. The Royal Canadian Mint first contract with the DR dates back to 1937.