View Full Version : Mother turns activist

03-22-2007, 03:30 PM
Sandra Josefina Acta has spent three years waiting in vain for justice for her murdered son, and went all the way to the Presidential Palace yesterday to present her case. Sandra Josefina Acta requested a meeting with President Leonel Fernandez so he could hear her case and to ask him to order to arrest of the man who killed her son. Diario Libre writes that almost three years ago Domingo Antonio Jaime del Pozo caused Johan Enrique Pou Acta's death in a car accident. Del Pozo was sent to jail but has been free since 18 January 2006 and Sandra Josefina Acta says that the police have done nothing. The mother asked why police Chief Bernardo Santana Paez was quick to prosecute some cases and slow to prosecute others and added that she hopes that the President doesn't leave the case as is because she feels she has no more doors to knock on.

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