View Full Version : Nice try!

03-26-2007, 05:50 PM
Taxi drivers of the famous or infamous yellow vans, called "pollitos" (little chicks) by most people, attempted to combine political expediency with a sly move to get more special treatment from the government. In what one paper is describing as "discriminatory treatment", drivers of the yellow vans were allowed to park near the Presidential Palace and picket, theoretically, in favor of Leonel Fernandez's re-election bid. However, in their brief talks with Vice-President Rafael Alburquerque, it appears that what the drivers really wanted was to be released from their very lenient payment plan for the vehicles. Slightly over six years ago, the government handed the vehicles over to the party faithful on an interest-free basis, with the sole condition of making 90 payments of RD$1,950 per month, reaching a total of RD$185,000. Nevertheless, according to German Pena Guadalupe, the director of the Land Transport Office (OTTT), most of the drivers have paid less than 30 quotas over the last six years, and were facing confiscation of their vehicles. The drivers appealed to the Vice President to stop their vehicles from being seized.

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