View Full Version : Country launches plan to fight HIV/AIDS

03-27-2007, 02:11 PM
Due to the epidemic that affects 60,000 people in the DR, between the ages of 15 and 49, and has challenged the country's health care system, local and international health authorities have decided to launch the National Strategic Plan for the Prevention and Control of Sexually Transmitted Diseases, HIV/AIDS 2007-2015. Humberto Salazar, director of the Presidential AIDS Council (COPRESIDA) made the announcement at seminar and said that the first phase of the program is scheduled to be completed by May of this year. Niky Fabiancic, the United Nations representative in the Dominican Republic, explained that 13,000 people in the country have HIV/AIDS and only 6,000 people receive the necessary retroviral medications to help combat HIV/AIDS. Fabiancic says that though this is a challenge for the DR the situation has improved considering that two years ago no one was receiving the medication. He continued by saying that Haiti and the DR are taking the AIDS epidemic seriously. Health Minister Bautista Rojas added that inequality, poverty, limited sex education, and children engaging in sexual relations at an early age all contribute to the spreading of HIV/AIDS.

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