View Full Version : Stavridis meets with Leonel

03-30-2007, 04:00 PM
Admiral James Stavridis, Chief of Southern Command for the United States met with President Leonel Fernandez yesterday. Fernandez was accompanied by Armed Forces Minister Ramon Aquino. Stavridis recognized the weakness at the border with Haiti and how this affects the trafficking of drugs, arms, and people. The rear admiral also said he would talk with high ranking military officials to see what kind of help the US can give the DR. In a press conference after their encounter Stavridis challenged the President's claim that the United States has neglected aerial and naval surveillance against drug trafficking in the Caribbean. Stavridis argued that in the last five years there has been an increase in the amount of drugs confiscated and said that in only one year authorities have seized more than 262 tons of drugs. He continued by saying that the US government seeks to dedicate equal resources to fighting drug trafficking and terrorism.
The Dominican government seeks more support from the US for the war against drugs traffickers that use the DR as a transshipment point for the US drug market.

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