View Full Version : No information on websites

04-02-2007, 05:50 PM
Of the 44 government institutions with websites, only four contain any financial information. The remaining forty sites only publish vague data and the legal regulations they are supposed to operate under. This is in clear violation of the Free Public Information Access Law. In a very long article in Hoy, reporters show that a review of the different sites revealed that the ministries or offices that handle a large part of the budget publish little or no information about their payrolls, or how the money is spent. Not even the Presidential IT Office (OPTIC), the instigator of state-sponsored transparency via electronic websites has listed its personnel. INDOTEL, the UASD, the Ministry of Labor and the Attorney General's office are the exceptions. Nevertheless, ministries such as Education and Public Health that handle huge sums of money have no information about their payrolls, purchases, suppliers, debts or budget execution for 2007. Neither do most of the other government dependencies.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#5)