View Full Version : Pie-Pierre ready to defend herself

04-02-2007, 05:50 PM
Sonia Pierre, aka Solain Pie, the human rights activist whose Dominican citizenship is being questioned, told reporters from Diario Libre that she is happy to go to court in order to settle the issue. The nationality question was raised during an investigation into her birth certificate, which apparently revealed that her father, an undocumented immigrant, had used a false Dominican cedula. Constitutional law expert Adriano Miguel Tejada, writing in Diario Libre's A.M. column on Saturday, says that there is no doubt that Pierre is a Dominican citizen because the Constitution in effect at the time of her birth in 1963 allowed for such cases. Tejada also points out that that Sonia Pierre/Solain Pie is a Dominican of Haitian extraction who feels hurt by the treatment given to her brethren in the same circumstances. According to the editorialist, the question is whether the treatment she and her brethren received was any different from that received by poor Dominicans. He answers, "surely not." Therefore she should not be talking about discrimination but rather of the dire conditions faced by all poor people in the Dominican sugar fields. For Tejada, the Dominican government has behaved shamefully in this case. The government has not been capable of defending its position, according to the jurist, because it has been complicit in the conditions that exist in the cane fields, as well as in human trafficking across the frontier in complicity with the Dominican army. For this reason, Tejada says it is a mistake to take on Solain Pie in this way. Such a decision tarnishes any arguments in this case.

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