View Full Version : Opinions on the Pie-Pierre case

04-03-2007, 06:10 PM
Rafael Luciano Pichardo, vice president of the Supreme Court, was quoted in Listin Diario as saying that the Central Electoral Board (JCE) does not have the power to take away Sonia Pierre's nationality, regardless of the way it was acquired. Luciano added that taking away her citizenship would do more harm than good and that she has been a citizen for 40 years so it would be impossible to try to take it away from her at this stage. Father Regino Martinez of Santiago, as well as Susi Pola and Manuela Vargas, who both lead women's organizations in Santiago, have come out in support for Pierre by calling the investigations into her nationality "racist" and "fueled by ulterior motives".
In contrast, FNP deputy Pelegrin Castillo is quoted in Listin Diario as saying that the investigation into Pierre isn't an individual migration or nationality issue, but a matter of principle, and of whether or not the Dominican government can carry out the mandates of its Constitution and Supreme Court on migration issues. "Two and a half a years ago Congress passed a Migration Law that defines the concept of transit and set up a registry for children born to non-resident foreigners in the country. This was later ratified by the Supreme Court, but has never been able to be implemented because of external threats that have not been duly rejected by the national authorities," said deputy Castillo.

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