View Full Version : Children giving birth to children

04-09-2007, 05:50 PM
Once more the issue of children giving birth to children is in the headlines. Public Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez has denounced the situation as "critical". As an indicator of the escalating problem, he mentioned that over the past three months, 325 minors, ages 12 to 17, have given birth in the public hospitals of just two, small, provinces, Barahona and Bonao. According to Rojas Gomez, these underage births are 23% of the total births in the country during that period. On the positive side, in Bonao, Dr. Riru Hodai told the Listin Diario that the program that attends adolescents in the local schools has brought about a 35% decrease in teen pregnancies and no teen deaths during birthing.

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