View Full Version : GAO finds mess in city accounts

04-09-2007, 05:50 PM
According to the Chamber of Accounts, the government's accounting office (GAO), the majority of the cities in the Dominican Republic show financial disorder and a lack of compliance with the legal procedures that apply to their use of funds, particularly when contracting public works. According to the report in the Listin Diario, fully 90% of the municipalities do not hold public bids for contracts, and a serious lack of internal controls on cash flows prevails. Henry Mejia, the vice-president of the GAO, released a report that the majority of the cities do not follow the accounting procedures required and have highly irregular situations in detriment to their communities. Mejia urged the mayors to oblige their accountants to comply with Article 34 of Law 3455 so that their accounts are in order. The GAO audits showed the municipality are not collecting taxes on public works contracts, there is a lack of proper accreditation for the contracting engineers, a lack of their National Tax Number (RNC) and the lack of payment of income taxes on these contracts. Mejia urged the director of the Tax Department, Juan Hernandez to look in to things at the municipal level.

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