View Full Version : Concern about PEME case discharge

04-09-2007, 05:50 PM
Porfirio Rodriguez, coordinator of Participacion Ciudadana, the civic movement, said that the discharge of three government officers involved in the Programa de Eventual Minimo de Empleo (PEME) from the accusation of fraud against the state for RD$1.43 billion during the first Leonel Fernandez administration is a matter of concern. He said that decision serves reinforces the generalized perception of impunity regarding corruption in government. The case was closed when the state prosecutors desisted from placing charges. He commented in Hoy newspaper that he has no doubt that the others in the case will be discharged from responsibility, as is usual in administrative corruption cases. "If we judge by the cases that have made it to court and the results of these, one would be lead to believe this is one of the most honest and least corrupt countries in the world," he commented.

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