View Full Version : Ministry signs agreement

04-10-2007, 06:20 PM
The Ministry of Economy, Planning, and Development signed two new agreements yesterday, one with the InterAmerican Development Bank and the other with the World Bank. The first agreement is for a US$1,600,000 donation for the Programa de Apoyo a la Instrumentacion de un Sistema de Gestion por Resultados en la Republica Dominicana. Minister Temistocles Montas explained that this program will assist the government to develop a management-for-results system while making government more transparent. The agreement calls for US$160,000 in counterpart funds from the government.
The second agreement is for the Proyecto de Desarrollo Regional, Local, y Comunitario that will be completed with a US$20 million loan. This project will be implemented in 20 municipalities around the country. The Japanese government is providing a US$500,000 donation for this project.
Moises Pineda signed for the IDB and Mariel Fiat for the World Bank during a meeting at the Presidential Palace.

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